Drag ‘n Drop Upload

Drag ‘n Drop Upload


This module creates an easy way to upload files into a specific directory.


  • Uses the plupload Jquery plug-in by the guys who wrote Tiny_MCE.
  • filter the type of files allowed to upload.
  • Unlimited file size capacity
  • Large files are chucked up.
  • Client side image resizing.
  • Backend provides easy one click set up.
    1. Choose the folder.


Dynamic Table

Dynamic Table


 This module modifies static wysiwyg(or code) tables, and makes them dynamic and interactive. Using the Jquery plugins: DataTables by Allan Jardine.


  • Table is sortable, filterable, paginated
  • Show/Hide individual columns
  • Floating header
  • The jquery datatables plug-in uses native translations in many languages.
  • Data is exportable to Clipboard,Excel,PDF, CSV, and Print using the table tools plug-in.

Five easy steps to get it to work.

  1.  Create a page with a table
  2.  Make sure the table has an id=”myDynamicTable”
  3.  Make sure the table has a header row
  4.  Add a dynamic table section to the page
  5.  Add the table id and click save

*This module can also work with other modules. For example, if you have a table that is created dynamically using the code module.


Calendar Sync

Calendar Sync

Calendar Sync is an event calendar for your Lepton Website. It features:

  • Down-loadable .ics file for syncing your digital calendar.
  • Auto generation of Google map to show the address(requires input of Google Maps api key)
  • If logged in it keeps track of if the user has downloaded the file. This is reset if the event is updated.
  • Droplet to allow you to easily add a button for downloading the ics file for an event on any page.
  • If you are the adminstrator of the site you get edit buttons on the front-end.


Auto Gallery

Auto Gallery



This module creates an easy to navigate photo gallery.


  •  Recursively searches through your photo file tree to automatically create the gallery using ImgBrowz0r by Frank Smit.
  •  image thumbnails automatically created
  •  image caching option
  •  Light box style pop-up for viewing the photos using Pretty Photo by Stephane Caron.
  •  Slide show option for lazy surfers.
  •  Backend provides easy three click set up.
    1. choose the root of the photo folders.
    2. choose the cache folder.
    3. click save.
  • plupload
  • If you have edit permission for the page you can drag and drop files to add to the gallery you are currently in.


www.VoicesInternational.lu was my first website.  I learned to code PHP and JavaScript on this site.  When I took over as Webmaster in 2008 it was a frontpage site.  I quickly converted it to a Website Baker Content management System. This transformed how the choir operated.  When someone had information they were given access to put it on the website. Soon when a choir member had a question the answer was ‘Did you look on the website?’.

I also implemented a new program of digitizing the sheet music to make piano tracks with MuseScore.  This allows each section of the choir to listen to just their part of the song. Later, a volunteer would sing each part on top of the piano track.

Eventually, I learned PHP and JavaScript on the site. Many of the modules I have written and shared with the Website Baker/Lepton CMS community were originally developed for this site.